New poll finds Trump at record highs and more liked than Biden, Pelosi, and Schiff


If House Democrats thought that by impeaching President Donald Trump would politically wound him heading into 2020, a new poll shows they were way off.

According to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Saturday as the Senate begins concluding the impeachment trial of the president, the number of voters who “strongly approve” of the nation’s 45th commander in chief has hit a “new high.”

As USA Today noted, 46 percent of registered voters told researchers they approved of the job Trump was doing in office, while a little more than half (51 percent) disapproved. The five-point difference between the two is an improvement for Trump from the 10-point (44-54) gap the same pollsters found in December.


Trump also appears to be viewed more favorably than other major political figures the pollsters examined. Forty-three percent of voters said they have a positive image of the president, the highest of any of the politicians with comparable name recognition levels.

A total of 35 percent of respondents said they have a positive image of former vice president Joe Biden while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is viewed favorably by just one-third of voters.

Although he is less known, only a quarter (25 percent) of voters view House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff positively, while 32 percent view him negatively. – READ MORE

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