Trey Gowdy: Congressional Work Isn’t ‘Fact-Centric,’ But More About ‘Validating’ Beliefs (VIDEO)


While appearing on CNN’s “New Day” on Wednesday, House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) portrayed Congress as a place where facts, fairness and proper process took a back seat to validating a particular group’s beliefs.

“I like jobs where facts matter. I like jobs where fairness matters,” Gowdy told host Alisyn Camerota after she asked why he decided to leave Congress.

After Gowdy said he liked jobs that were “fact-centric,” Camerota asked him if facts mattered in Congress.

“I think what matters in Congress is finding a group and then validating or ratifying what they already believe,” Gowdy said before suggesting the current political environment disregarded facts. – READ MORE

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Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., posited that House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., inserted sensitive information in his FISA memo knowing the Trump administration would have to make redactions purely, so he could score political points against the president.

Gowdy, who is chairman of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and a member of the House Intelligence Committee, also strongly implied Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal played a key role in feeding information to the State Department that was used to justify the FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign.

“I think the Democrats are politically smart enough to put things in the memo that require either the (FBI) or the Justice Department to say it needs to be (redacted),” Gowdy told Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum on Tuesday night. “Therefore, it creates this belief that there’s something being hidden from the American people.”

“Keep in mind this is the same crowd that voted not to release our memo and voted not to gain a lot of this information over the last 12 months,” he added. “Unfortunately, we’re in an environment where you would include material that you know has to be redacted, and you know responsible people you know are doing to redact it just show that question will be asked.”- READ MORE


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