Tom Arnold on the Attack: Trump Is the ‘Kingpin for Mental Illness’


In a recent MSNBC interview on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” Tom Arnold attacked Trump supporters, including his own ex-wife, Roseanne Barr.

“There is a lot of anxiety in general in the public … And the president just keeps pushing that button. Instead of saying, ‘OK, America, calm down,’ he keeps hitting that button like, ‘It’s scary out there. It’s bad,'” said Arnold.

He continued, “It is like if you are a kingpin and that’s the drug, it is that internet, the fear, fear, fear. And he’s pushing that thing. That’s what he does. So he’s their kingpin for mental illness. If you got a little bit and you’re in your house, he is the guy that keeps pushing it and he knows it. And he keeps doing that instead of making things better because he thinks, ‘That’s my base. That’s my base.'”

Arnold went on to say that his Roseanne Barr is part of mentally ill “base” and is “addicted” to the fearmongering the president pushes. – READ MORE

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