Swing Vote Susan Collins Says FBI Investigation ‘Appears Thorough.’ Feinstein Rips It, Admits She Hasn’t Read The Whole Report.


Mainstream media, trying to read the tea leaves regarding the upcoming Senate vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, reported that Maine GOP Sen. Susan Collins, considered one of the prime swing votes in the Senate, differed with Democrats crying that the FBI investigation that just closed was insufficient. Collins said that the investigation “appeared to be thorough.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has led the charge against Kavanaugh, whined about the conclusion of the FBI investigation, “The most notable part of this report is what’s not in it.” But Feinstein also admitted, “I had the opportunity to read some, but not all of it.” – READ MORE


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell filed a motion Wednesday for a cloture vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, setting in motion the procedure that would usher in the first vote sometime Friday and the vote on the full Senate floor on Saturday. McConnell also announced that the FBI’s updated report on Kavanaugh was ready.

On the Senate floor, McConnell said, “This evening, the Senate will receive the results of the FBI’s supplemental background investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh,” adding that senators would “have the opportunity to review the investigators’ records.”

Early Thursday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, tweeted that the panel had received the report after White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said in a statement that the White House had transmitted the report to the Senate.

The White House contends that Senators have “ample time” to review the seventh background inquiry into Kavanaugh’s record with McConnell’s cloture filing. Those close to the situation now anticipate a confirmation vote to come some time Saturday. Precise scheduling will come from Leader McConnell. – READ MORE

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