‘Shaking Their Heads:’ FBI Veterans Share Concerns On Comey Interview


Former FBI director James Comey’s nearly five-hour interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos is raising concerns among veteran members of the FBI, three veterans tell The Daily Caller.

“I’m troubled by the timing of the book and some of the content that has been reported because I think it diminishes him” former assistant director of the FBI Ron Hosko tells TheDC. Hosko took particular exception with Comey’s detailed description of President Donald Trump’s appearance, including his likely use of tanning goggles, his hand size, and the length of his ties.

“To me that kind of salacious commentary diminishes Jim Comey, raises more questions about his true desire here,” Hosko continued. He added that Comey is a “carrier of the FBI brand” and is making the job of current FBI Director Wray much more difficult.


Former FBI special agent and 25-year veteran Jack Garcia was particularly scathing after Comey’s interview. “This man has tarnished that position by offering positions and attacking the president of the United States,” he declared to TheDC, adding that it was “insane” for the former FBI director to offer an opinion on whether the Russian government had compromising information on Trump.

“Our mission and our job is only to state the facts, we don’t state opinions,” he declared, joking that “opinions are like assholes, everybody has one” and that “I am in touch with a lot of agents both current and former, they’re just shaking their heads.” – READ MORE

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