Seattle house displays ‘countdown clock’ showing days until Trump’s term ends


A house in Seattle has taken to displaying a daily protest aimed at President Trump in the form of a “countdown clock” displaying the number of days until his first term ends.

Local news station KIRO 7 reports that an anonymous homeowner in Seattle’s Leschi neighborhood set up the clock shortly after the president’s inauguration last year and that the home’s new owners agreed in a contract to maintain the feature upon buying the house.

The clock also has its own Instagram account, which displays a photo of the new number every day along with an often lengthy comment denouncing the White House–related news of the day. The account appears to have changed hands along with the home’s ownership but has been posting regularly since just after Trump took office.

“On Thanksgiving Day, as the President is aggrieved that more Americans aren’t expressing gratitude for him, we are thankful for all those who are committed to resisting his immoral, ignorant and incompetent Presidency. And resist we shall. Happy Thanksgiving,” reads a post on Thanksgiving last year. – READ MORE

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