San Fran Has A PLAN: Teach The Homeless To Clean Up Their Own Poop


In an interview with the local San Fran NBC affiliate, Mayor London Breed addressed the city’s disastrous homeless situation head on, admitting that her city is “drowning” in human waste.

“I will say there is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here,” Breed said, who grew up in San Francisco. “That is a huge problem and we are not just talking about from dogs — we’re talking about from humans.”

But Breed laid the blame not at the feet of city policies, or at the feet of the homeless themselves, but with homeless advocacy organizations whom she believes aren’t doing enough to educate their clients when it comes to picking up poop.

“I work hard to make sure your programs are funded for the purposes of trying to get these individuals help, and what I am asking you to do is work with your clients and ask them to at least have respect for the community — at least, clean up after themselves and show respect to one another and people in the neighborhood,” Breed told NBC.

To that end, Breed is proposing an increase in funding, targeted at homeless education programs that will instruct San Fran’s transient population on how to handle their own feces, including (we surmise) instruction on how not to fill a bag with 20 pounds of their own waste and leave it on a street corner. – READ MORE


Over 16,000 complaints have been logged with the City of San Francisco regarding ‘feces’ in the last seven days.

website and related app that allows local residents to request maintenance or non-emergency services from the city has received 16,034 complaints with the keyword ‘feces’ in the last week at the time of this writing, and many pertain to human waste in public places.

Additionally, words and phrases synonymous with ‘feces’ are found in thousands more grievances.

Many of the complaints also connect the fecal matter to vagrants and homeless encampments – a sight all too common now across California.  – READ  MORE

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