Report: FBI Using Best Buy Employees to Search Computers Without Warrant


A bombshell report by the Electronic Freedom Foundation claims that Geek Squad, the computer repair division of Best Buy, has been paid by the FBI to dig through customers’ computers without warrants.

The activity is ostensibly part of a project to cut down on child pornography, but the lack of any warrants and the use of informants to violate privacy on behalf of the federal government has the watchdog group raising the alarm.

“Records posted Tuesday by the Electronic Frontier Foundation following a freedom of information lawsuit filed last year reveal that federal agents would pay Geek Squad managers who pass on information about illegal materials on devices sent in by customers for repairs,” explained ZDNet.

“Because the FBI uses Geek Squad as informants, the EFF says that any search should be seen as a warrantless search carried out by proxy, and thus any evidence obtained as a result of the illegal searches should be thrown out of court,” continued the technology news site.

It’s one thing for a technician to call law enforcement if they stumble across something illegal during the normal course of their job. However, it may be something else entirely if they are paid by the government to actively go through the computers of customers, violating privacy just to see what they can find. – READ MORE

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