Report: 485 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Undermine Supposed ‘Consensus’ on Climate Change


A broad survey of climate change literature for 2017 reveals that the alleged “consensus” behind the dangers of anthropogenic global warming is not nearly as settled among climate scientists as people imagine.

Author Kenneth Richard found that during the course of the year 2017, at least 485 scientific papers were published that in some way questioned the supposed consensus regarding the perils of human CO2 emissions or the efficacy of climate models to predict the future.

According to Richard’s analysis, the 485 new papers underscore the “significant limitations and uncertainties inherent in our understanding of climate and climate changes,” which in turn suggests that climate science is not nearly as settled as media reports and some policymakers would have people believe.

Richard broke the skeptical positions into four main categories, with each of the individual papers expounding at least one of these positions, and sometimes more. – READ MORE


“Sahara Desert covered in 15 inches of SNOW as freak weather blankets sand dunes,” said a Monday headline in the U.K.’s Express:

More than 15 inches (40cm) has blanketed sand dunes across the small town of Ain Sefra, Algeria.

It is the second time snow has hit in nearly 40 years, with a dusting also recorded in December 2016.

But this snowfall which hit yesterday, is much deeper than the fleeting shower little more than a year ago.

Locals, who endure temperatures of 37C in summer, were stunned as dense snow settled on the town, known as ‘the gateway to the desert’.

It’s been a cold winter in places where’s it’s winter, and a hot summer in places where it’s summer. In Australia, temperatures topped 110 degrees, while in the Northeast, Niagara Falls has frozen, as has Cape Cod Bay. Several spots have received more than 100 inches of snow already (but remember, it is, uh, winter). – READ MORE

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RELATED: Just when you thought the Big Freeze couldn’t get any worse, here’s Al Gore to twist the knife.

Yep. Where others might see a crisis, Al Gore has spotted a Rahm-Emanuel-style opportunity to promote his renewables scam. This bitter cold, he wants you to know, isn’t a sign that his global warming theory is a busted flush. It’s a sign that he’s even more right than ever before!

Well, you’ve got to admire his chutzpah.

And he’s found the perfect huckster to promote the virtues of his miracle snake oil: none other than Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann.

Wherever you’re shivering, right now, I’d like to set you a challenge. I want you to see if you can get to the end of this article, written by Mann, without being possessed by an unstoppable urge to head to the Arctic with as many RPGs as you can lay your hands on in order to destroy as many polar bears as you can. Or, failing that, to pour some bleach into your nearest colony of snaildarters. – READ MORE

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