RAT SQUAD: Omarosa posts tweet about her upcoming book – ‘#ComeClean45’


Former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault-Newman on Friday touted her forthcoming book about her time in the Trump White House.

Manigault-Newman referenced President Trump with the hashtag “ComeClean45” in a tweet that included an Amazon link to preorder the book, which is set for release Aug. 14.

Gallery Books announced Thursday that it would be publishing Manigault-Newman’s book “Unhinged” next month, promising that it will be “jaw-dropping.” – READ MORE


Following the release of audio tape apparently revealing a 2016 communication between then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and his longtime attorney, Michael Cohen, Trump supporters and critics have been arguing over its interpretation and importance.

Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, released the audio to CNN for broadcast Tuesday evening.

The conservative website Drudge Report linked to a U.K. Daily Mail article on the new developments with its own headline describing Cohen as “The Rat.”

Trump joined those critical of Cohen’s conduct with a tweet early Wednesday morning.

“What kind of a lawyer would tape a client? So sad!” he wrote. “Is this a first, never heard of it before?” – READ MORE

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