Rand Paul Introduces Amendment To Defund Planned Parenthood Bill


In a statement last Friday, Sen. Paul called on Congress to halt the scourge of taxpayer-funded abortions, reminding the GOP to stick to their pro-life values.

“One of the top priorities for a Republican Congress that professes pro-life values on the campaign trail should be to stop taxpayer funding for abortion providers,” said Paul. “This is our chance to turn our words into action, stand up for the sanctity of life, and speak out for the most innocent among us that have no voice.”

Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion dollars in taxpayer dollars. They perform roughly 321,384 abortions a year, according to LifeNews.

The amendment will likely go nowhere, as it has become precedent now for the GOP to pass appropriations bills that violate their promises. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), who heads the Senate Appropriations Committee, has already stated the bill will go to a vote without any “poison pills” that could cause a Democratic filibuster.- READ MORE


Center for Medical Progress (CMP) founder and investigative journalist David Daleiden is trying to lift a gag order prohibiting him from releasing at least a dozen undercover videos which allegedly further expose Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers’ unsavory and possibly illegal organ-harvesting operation.

Daleiden told the media that his attorneys are filing motions to lift a gag order so he can release the videos, which he says “includes some of the most damning and incriminating footage we ever recorded.”

CMP began releasing disturbing undercover footage of the abortion industry leader in 2015, showing Planned Parenthood officials openly haggling over the prices of body parts of aborted babies and nonchalantly discussing their gruesome procurement methods.

The videos were largely buried or ripped apart by the mainstream media (who care so much about a “free press”), and the abortion lobby found a new enemy in Daleiden, targeting him with lawsuits and working overtime to discredit the Center for Medical Progress’ work. The National Abortion Federation (NAF) — the organization which put on the two conferences where CMP journalists interacted with abortion officials — successfully shut up Daleiden with a federal suit. ​ – READ MORE

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