Protesters Descend On DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s Home, Threaten Children Of DHS Employees


Protesters swarmed around Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s home Friday, besieging her family, chanting “no justice, no sleep,” and playing the cries of immigrant children on loudspeakers, The Washington Times reports.

“There’s a child snatcher living in Alexandria, Virginia,” CREDO organizer Heidi Hess said in a statement to press. “Rightfully so, there’s a huge amount of attention focused on the border and the detention centers but the people who are making the decisions are here in DC, so it’s important to shine a spotlight on them as well.”

The demonstration is just the latest in a string of intimidation tactics the Left has employed, even after meeting their goal of reuniting immigrant families late last week. Sarah Huckabee Sanders was also asked to leave a restaurant on Friday evening because she apparently made employees of D.C.’s Red Hen feel “unsafe.” – READ MORE

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