Pro-Life Lawmakers Urge Trump To Defund Planned Parenthood


Recently, President Trump broke his promise to pro-lifers by signing an omnibus bill that fully funded the abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood. Pro-lifers have not forgotten the betrayal, but they are still holding out hope President Trump will deliver.

According to The Hill, pro-life lawmakers in Congress have been pressing President Trump’s appointed HHS officials to restrict Title X Family Planning Program funds awarded to groups that perform abortions or refer people over to abortions. Title X funding goes to low-income women and men so that they can receive reproductive and other health care services. Planned Parenthood receives the largest percentage of these funds, which are fungible, meaning they are indirectly used to carry out abortions.

A letter sent this week by Republican Study Committee, made up of 154 conservative House members, urges HHS Secretary Alex Azar to withhold funds from Planned Parenthood and similar organizations, “asking that Title X organizations be physically and financially separated from facilities that provide abortions,” reports the Hill.

“The Title X Family Planning Program is in dire need of review and updated regulations that ensure program integrity with respect to elective abortion,” reads the letter, which is now being circulated among House Republicans for signatures.- READ MORE

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