Princeton Professor Under Fire for Using N-Word in Classroom


An anthropology professor at Princeton University has come under fire after he used the “n-word” multiple times during a class discussion on “hate speech, blasphemy, and pornography.”

Princeton University anthropology professor Lawrence Rosen has faced a serious backlashthis week after he repeatedly dropped the “n-word” in a class on “hate speech, blasphemy, and pornography.”

According to the Daily Princetonian, Rosen asked posed an unusual hypothetical about the offensiveness of the epithet. Based on the context of the class, according to student accounts, Rosen did not have to use the word to get his point across.

According to students, during lecture for the course ANT 212: Cultural Freedoms, anthropology professor Lawrence Rosen asked students, “What is worse, a white man punching a black man, or a white man calling a black man a n****r?” – READ MORE


A public school district in Minnesota is taking a radical social justice approach to the education of their youngest children.

Young students in the Edina School District in Edina, Minnesota, will be introduced to the concept of “white privilege” as early as kindergarten, according to a new report from theWeekly Standard. The report details some of the unusual practices of the district.

As a result, the school system’s obsession with “white privilege” now begins in kindergarten. At Edina’s Highlands Elementary School, for example, K-2 students participate in the Melanin Project. The children trace their hands, color them to reflect their skin tone, and place the cut-outs on a poster reading, “Stop thinking your skin color is better than anyone elses!-[sic] Everyone is special!” READ MORE

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A Michigan State University professor has claimed white people who practice yoga contribute to “white supremacy” and the “yoga industrial complex.”

Religious Studies Professor Shreena Gandhi claimed in a co-authored article that “yoga practice in the United States is intimately linked to some of the larger forces of white supremacy,” adding the practice is “tied up with colonialism.”

According to the New York Post, Gandhi “co-authored the piece titled ‘Yoga and the Roots of Cultural Appropriation,’ with Lillie Wolff, a self-described ‘anti-racist white Jewish organizer, facilitator, and healer,’ who has called for ‘decolonizing’ yoga.”

“Yoga contributes to our economic system, but never forget this system is one built upon exploitation and commodification of labor, often the labor of black people and people of the global south,” expressed Gandhi and Wolff in the article. “Yoga, like so many other colonized systems of practice and knowledge, did not appear in the American spiritual landscape by coincidence; rather, its popularity was a direct consequence of a larger system of cultural appropriation that capitalism engenders and reifies.” – READ MORE

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