Philly Mayor Jim Kenney: ‘Scary’ Trump Frightens Me More Than I Was Frightened in 1968 (VIDEO)


Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney (D.) said on Tuesday that he’s more scared now by President Donald Trump than he was in 1968 at the height of Vietnam War.

“I don’t how you can make your case to a child who acts childish, who changes his opinion and his statements every single day and who, frankly, frightens me more than I was frightened in 1968 during the height of the Vietnam War,” Kenney said on CNN. “And the guy is just a scary guy, and I don’t – hopefully, by the time he’s gone, we can recover from this mess, but this is a bad time in our country.”

Kenney’s remarks came during a conversation with CNN host John Berman, who spoke to Kenney following Trump’s decision to cancel the Philadelphia Eagle’s post-Super Bowl win visit to the White House. Berman asked the mayor what about Trump frightens him. – READ MORE

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