Petition calling for Maxine Waters expulsion nears 100,000 signatures — the amount to require White House response


California Congresswoman Maxine Waters should be expelled from Congress, according to a petition on We the People, a website created by the Obama administration that prompts a response from the White House when at least 100,000 sign onto a request.

On Wednesday, the “Expulsion For Maxine Waters – Remove Her From Congress” petition had gathered more than 90,000 signatures of support.

“It’s time for Maxine Waters to go,” the petition reads.

“Waters has crossed a dangerous line, calling for attacks and violence against all Trump officials,” it continues, referring to comments Waters made at a June immigration rally calling on her followers to harass Trump cabinet members.

“What Waters said, when she called on Americans to ‘push back’ against Trump officials, and make it impossible for them to shop, eat out, or go to gas stations, is one of the most irresponsible statements anyone could have said, let alone a so-called Democrat leader,” according to the petition, created by “A.M.” – READ MORE


Maxine Waters has never been the mildest and most judicious of  politicians, but there is a method to her current (extreme) madness.  She does have something to be afraid of.  Identity politics — her bread and butter — is, for the first time in years, in some trouble.

This is particularly true in the black community, where Donald Trump’s approval level is climbing. And the reason for this isn’t all Kanye West.  African Americans have the lowest unemployment rate ever under Trump and are beginning to have more cash and better lives.

This is not good for Maxine and she knows it.  No more fancy house in Hancock Park.  She  might have to go back and live with her constituents in South Central. Hell, she might even be voted out. Hence, the acting out.

The problem for the Democrats in general is that it’s not good for them either.  They depend on these groups doing poorly and, much as they wish they could, can’t easily separate themselves from the execrable Waters and her equally execrable cohorts like @TheRevAl.READ MORE

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