Peter Fonda’s Disturbing and Unforgiving History of Defending Child Rape: It’s Not Like The Rapist of 13-yr-old “Killed Anyone”


Peter Fonda is called a counter-culture icon from the 1960s.

The media fawns over Fonda and his family.

And ignores Fonda’s disturbing history of defending child rape.

We travel back to 2009 when Fonda snapped after Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland on a 1978 US warrant for raping a 13-year-old girl.

Yes. 13.

Polanski, a Hollywood hero, plead guilty and jumped bail, fleeing to Paris, France.

But it was Fonda, who has a daughter of his own, who has often defended Polanski’s sex with a child, once calling his arrest an outrage in a rant and said it’s not like Polanski killed the girl.

What? This is your brain on Peter Fonda, kids.

From 2009:

Peter Fonda has joined the growing list of Hollywood rape apologists, telling a Zurich radio station, “we should have been celebrating the arrest of Osama bin Laden and not the arrest of Polanski.”

Wait a minute, they caught bin Laden?!?

Nope, Fonda’s just being totally nonsensical. Speaking of which, he might just win the award for most galling justification of child rape, not to mention fleeing the country before sentencing, I’ve yet seen.

According to the AP, “Fonda says Polanski ‘is not responsible for killing anyone.'”

Also, funny thing about that line of reasoning. Michael Deacon at The Telegraph went back and looked at a 1979 interview Martin Amis did with Polanski, which contained this quote from the director:

If I had killed somebody, it wouldn’t have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But… f-ing, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to f- young girls. Juries want to f- young girls. Everyone wants to f- young girls!

Peter Fonda is not an American icon.

Just another trust-fund loser.


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