Pete Buttigieg Defends Late-Term Abortion: It’s A Woman’s ‘Personal Decision’


According to LifeNews, the 2020 contender appeared on “Morning Joe” this past Thursday to answer questions about his 2020 vision. Later, co-host Willie Geist asked him about his support for late-term abortion, noting that most religious conservatives would have a hard time supporting him with that kind of policy position.

Buttigieg responded predictably by ignoring the fact that science proves an unborn baby to be human life, saying the morality of abortion is “not knowable.”

The way I explain this and it’s something that I think any pro-choice candidate from a conservative state faces, and that is I respect and understand where others are coming from. Many of my supporters, many of my friends view this issue differently. But we’re talking about who gets to make that decision. And the way this has been characterized, especially lately, is asking questions that almost in themselves are misleading about the medical situations that women face – not to mention the personal decisions that they are confronted with. To me, it’s a very complex issue that should be guided by a very simple principle: which is that having these things dictated by government does not make that decision any easier. Some of these questions are religious or meta-physical, they’re not things that are knowable in a traditional sense, not questions you can get the answer.

Geist actually pressed Buttigieg on that point rather strongly, saying that people indeed could say that reality is knowable without the philosophical or religious dimension. – read more

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