Omarosa: I Heard the Trump ‘N-Word’ Tape — I Think it Is Being Held For an October Surprise


Manigault Newman said, “When I had an opportunity to meet up with three different sources, they described the same exact statements. After I closed the book, I had an opportunity to go out in Los Angeles and sit down with the person who actually has a copy of the tape, and I heard his voice as clear as you and I are sitting here.”

She added, “I know it exists and what I regret is at these people are trying to leverage it as this October surprise. I don’t want to be a part of, but I had heard for two years that it existed and once I heard it for myself it was confirmed what I feared the most — that Trump is a con and has been masquerading as someone who is open to engaging with diverse communities, but when he talks that way, the way he did on this tape it confirmed that he is truly a racist.” – READ MORE



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