Obama Blames Backlash to Globalism for 9/11 and Donald Trump


Obama was lamenting on how globalists missed the signs of “brewing backlash” against their policies at the end of the 20th century, because they didn’t interact with the people who were negatively affected by those policies.

“[It was a] backlash that arrived in so many forms. It announced itself most violently with 9/11, and the emergence of transnational terrorist networks. Fueled by an ideology that perverted one of the world’s great religions,” Obama said.

“Within the United States, within the European Union, challenges to globalization first came from the left but then came more forcibly from the right. As you started seeing populist movement – which by the way are often cynically funded by rightwing billionaires,” Obama said. “These movements tapped the unease that was felt by many people who lived outside the urban cores.”

“Fears that the economic security was slipping away, that their social status and privileges were eroding, that their cultural identities were being threatened by outsiders,” Obama said. – READ MORE


Former President Barack Obama made embarrassingly arrogant remarks while speaking in South Africa on Tuesday, bragging about how much money he has.

True to form, Obama used the opportunity to take veiled shots at the Trump administration in his speech, which was in honor of the late Nelson Mandela, before he promoted progressivism and then made embarrassingly arrogant remarks.- READ MORE

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