NFL Legend Jim Brown Backs Trump In 2020, Says Support Will ‘Make Me Very Unpopular In The Black Community’


Appearing on “The JT The Brick Show” on Fox Sports Radio this week, Brown said he’s supporting President Donald Trump in 2020. And he doesn’t care what the “black community” thinks.

“I should be criticizing Trump on every level because he does certain things that call for criticism but when I look at television I see all these announcers become experts and they’re pointing the fingers and they’re not doing a doggone thing but pointing their fingers, I find myself really pulling for the president,” Brown said.

“Now, that would make me very unpopular in the black community, very unpopular with a lot of Americans … but I think that there are certain good things that are coming out of this presidency because we’ve never seen anything like it,” Brown said, as reported by TMZ.

Brown said it’s his duty as a good American. “I believe that I have to work on myself first to be as good a person as I could be to back up my country as best as I know how.” – READ MORE


Despite a wave of troubling headlines, President Trump’s odds of winning re-election have surged and are far higher than any challenger, according to a leading online gambling site.

What’s more, said, more gamblers are betting on a Trump victory than on every single other competitor of either party, of which the site lists 45.

Trump currently stands as a 3/2 bet to win re-election. His closest challenger is California Sen. Kamala Harris, listed at 10-1.

Hillary Clinton has dropped to 66-1, behind Sen. Bernie Sanders, 14-1, former Vice President Joe Biden, 16-1, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, 50-1.- READ MORE

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