MyPIllow guy Mike Lindell on Trump: ‘Best president this country has ever had’


President Trump has some high-profile fans who remain completely steadfast in their admiration. Mike Lindell — the now famous inventor of MyPillow — is one of those. He has been in the nation’s capital this week, making an appearance in an iconic spot — the main floor of the Trump International Hotel, just three blocks from the White House.

Mr. Lindell was happy to have a say about Mr. Trump, even as the line of his own fans grew, all seeking a selfie moment with the pillow entrepreneur — or to assure him that yes, they personally owned and adored their own MyPillow.

“I met Donald Trump in August of 2016. I had a private meeting with him,” Mr. Lindell told The Washington Times in an interview.

“After that, I was all in. He has not let me down. He is the best president this country has ever had. And he hasn’t even gotten started. It’s going to be amazing, and I say that with all my heart. It’s going to be awesome,” he concluded. – READ MORE


Economist Stephen Moore made it clear on CNN Friday that the economy is booming under President Donald Trump and its his leadership Americans have to thank for record unemployment and surging wages.

Moore’s comments came after Trump criticized the Federal Reserve for continuing to increase interest rates.

On Thursday, Trump said he was “not thrilled” by the Fed’s actions. By Friday, Trump blasted the Fed for “taking away” America’s “big competitive edge” with China and the European Union.

“When it comes to the economy, you’ve got 4.5 percent growth, you’ve got the lowest unemployment rate in virtually 30, 40 years, you’ve got low inflation,” Moore explained.- READ MORE


Newly released statistics reinforce the notion that the U.S. economy has responded positively to the presidency of Donald Trump as the current administration enters its 18th month in office.

According to statistics from Fox News Research, the number of Americans who are currently working part-time jobs because their hours were cut back at work or because they couldn’t find a full-time job has dropped by over one million since June 2016, during former President Barack Obama’s presidency.

Unemployment currently is hovering around 4% after going as low as 3.8% in May after 223,000 jobs were added to the economy, and record-low unemployment levels have been hit in 2018 for the Hispanic and black communities. – READ MORE

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