MSNBC Host: Detained Children Could Turn Into ‘Terminator-Like Characters’ Seeking ‘Vengeance’ (VIDEO)


An MSNBC host on Friday sought to strike fear into the hearts of those not hewing the liberal line on immigration by saying that children of illegal immigrants who are sent to detention centers could turn into violent criminals because of it.

“So to those who want to say, ‘I don’t care about the welfare of these migrant children, I care about the welfare of my own children … my community,’ help us understand what this kind of damage does to these young people,” Stephanie Ruhle said, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

“Because they are going to be a member of society, and it makes me think, where do you think MS-13 was born? In Los Angeles, where you often see these angry gangs sprout up,” Ruhle said.

“We can even say the same thing about ISIS as well,” Ruhle’s guest, Dr. Dana Sinopoli, a psychologist, interjected, according to The Daily Caller.

Then Ruhle topped that worry with one straight from Hollywood.

“And I worry that you’re creating Terminator-like characters that will seek vengeance! We must care,” she said. – READ MORE

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