Meghan McCain Asks Why Dems Couldn’t Clap for Veterans’ Health Care — And Joy Behar Crosses a Line (VIDEO)


Co-host Whoopi Goldberg suggested that the Democrats’ response was typical, noting that the opposing party generally “sits on their hands” throughout the speech.

But co-host Meghan McCain thought the real problem was deeper and noted that there were at least a few things mentioned during the address that should have brought all Americans together:

“You know, I didn’t like the Joe Wilson moment. I thought it was sublimely disrespectful. That being said, I didn’t like that Democrats were not standing and clapping when you’re talking about universal things like the MS-13 gang killings of children. Veteran health care. Infrastructure. Things that really unite us as a country.

I’m from a military family, I think we established that … Star, I don’t know if you’re from a military family or not, I’m sure you have military connections or are from a military family. When you’re from a military family, treason is a big word. It means you’re aiding and abetting the enemy. I think of people like Chelsea Manning as being treasonous, there are many figures throughout history …”

Guest co-host (and former regular co-host) Star Jones interrupted, suggesting “somebody like Paul Manafort …” – READ MORE

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Meghan McCain schooled her co-hosts on “The View” Thursday when they tried to downplay President Donald Trump’s approval rating jumping by 10 points after the State of the Union.

“I think he’s a very good publicity person for himself,” guest co-host Yvettee Nicole Brown first posed. “I believe he has no problem speaking up about things great in the country whether they were because of him or not and I think that most people don’t do the research to find out maybe an economic upswing may have already been happening before he got in office.”

“Well, it’s the tax cuts I think mostly doing it,” Joy Behar added. “People are running up a deficit because they’re giving tax cuts to very, very, very wealthy people and that will lead to cuts in medicare and social security which is what Republicans have always wanted to do anyway was to dismantle all of the social institutions that have kept people afloat all these years. That will happen. That will be something that will be a result of these tax cuts and because you get a $20 raise a week, you’re ready to throw the whole country under the bus? Really? Come on.” – READ MORE

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“The View’s” Meghan McCain squared off with CNN’s Ana Navarro on Monday morning.

McCain didn’t hold back after the panel got into the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA.

“I understand that DACA is a very emotional issue at this point, but most Republicans are my side on this one, Ana,” McCain said. “And it’s really difficult for me to understand sometimes why you still consider yourself a Republican.” – READ MORE

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