Katy Tur Goes After Woman Over Her Remarks About Tax Cuts and Bonus Changing Her Life — It Backfires


During Trump’s speech on tax cuts on Monday, Tur decided to tweet about a woman who was thankful for her bonus. It resulted in instant criticism.

Tur tweeted:

There were many who felt that Tur’s comment was out of touch:

Based on the response, some people were not appreciative of her going after the woman. – READ MORE

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A new campaign ad from the National Republican Congressional Committee is targeting Democratic candidates running in the 2018 midterms using House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) recent “crumbs” remarks, belittling the bonuses and wage increases that employees are receiving as a result of the GOP tax reform bill.

“The ad, titled ‘Changing Lives,’ takes aim at Pennsylvania Democratic Congressional nominee Conor Lamb who called the GOP’s efforts to overhaul the tax system a ‘complete betrayal,'” The Washington Free Beacon reported. – READ MORE

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President Donald Trump knocked House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday, suggesting that she, like former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, would energize his base after describing tax reform bonuses as “crumbs.”

“She’s a rich woman who lives in a big, beautiful house in California, who wants to give all of your money away,” Trump said while speaking in Ohio.

Trump likened Pelosi’s crumbs comment to Clinton’s “deplorable” description of Trump supporters she used during the 2016 presidential campaign. – READ MORE

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