Media TOTALLY Has Trump Now After AP’s Seventh-Hand Report


How many layers removed can a source be before the entire report starts to look absurd?

The Associated Press seems to have pushed the limits in an article published Friday morning. Here’s the lede:

A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump “over a barrel,” according to multiple people familiar with the encounter.

So, sources say a DOJ lawyer said a former British spy told him that Russian intelligence told him it had the president “over a barrel” during the 2016 elections. Got that? The AP’s tweet wasn’t any clearer, stating: “BREAKING: Sources reveal senior Justice Department lawyer’s interview with lawmakers: He said former British spy told him Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump ‘over a barrel’ during the 2016 campaign.”- READ MORE


According To Various Mainstream Media Figures This Week, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Was All But Certain To Drop A Bombshell Friday That Would Shake Washington, D.c., To Its Core. It Didn’t Happen.

NBC’s Meet the Press host Chuck Todd on Thursday kicked off the Mueller “bombshell” frenzy, warning viewers that Friday could go down in history as a turning point in the Russia investigation. “Here’s what I’ve learned about Bob Mueller,” Todd began. “Not a single person that has known him, been with him, worked with him, wouldn’t say that he would have ended this investigation if there was no collusion. He would have already ended this investigation.”

“We can’t tell that, though, until he tells us,” GOP ad-maker Brad Todd replied.

Daniella Gibbs Léger, senior vice president for communications and strategy of the Center for American Progress, surmised Mueller was unlikely to drop a bombshell until after the midterm elections. A major announcement prior to November would spark accusations of political interference for the special counsel, Léger predicted.

“I think he knows, more than anything, he keeps quiet between Labor Day and Election Day,” the NBC host hinted.

“I’m not missing work tomorrow,” added Todd. “I wouldn’t miss work tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last business day of the pre-Labor Day to Election Day window.” – READ MORE

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