Mark Levin Calls for Special Counsel To Investigate Comey


Top-rated radio host Mark Levin has some choice words for the American public regarding the scandal surrounding former FBI Director James Comey.

“I believe (Comey) knew everything that was going on. But he’s able to play rope-a-dope you see because we don’t have a special counsel investigating the FBI. We don’t have a special counsel investigating the Department of Justice,” Levin said Friday on “Fox & Friends.”

Levin said he considers the federal government more of a threat than any foreign nation to America’s democratic process.

“It amazes me that the greatest threat to our electoral system still remains and the greatest threat to the electoral system in the last cycle was not a foreign government,” he said.

“They are always trying to screw around with us and we always have to step up to that. It was our own government,” Levin continued.

Levin concluded his statements by criticizing the lack of a special counsel to handle this investigation without bias.

“The idea that we don’t have a special counsel, number one to look at the real criminal activity and number two that we don’t have a special commission to look at this and figure out what we need to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again, is absolutely appalling to me,” he explained. – READ MORE

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