Man Charged with Threatening to Kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s Children


Markara Man Of Norwalk, California Was Arrested Friday After Admitting To Investigators He Threatened To Kill The Family Of Federal Communication Commission Chairman (Fcc) Ajit Pai.

Pai reportedly received three emails from Markara Man, who was furious over the agency’s repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules.

“One of the emails, sent Dec. 20, to Pai’s government and personal accounts had the subject line “Cheers.” The body of the email listed the names and addresses of three preschools in and around Arlington, Va., where Pai lives, followed by, “I will find your children and I will kill them,” according to the affidavit against Man,” Politico reports.

Additional emails show Man also sent the FCC Chairman a framed photograph of his family and bizarrely blamed him for a child’s death. In May, the 33-year-old came clean about sending the “angry emails,” to Pai.

“They pretty much ignored, like, 80 percent of comments … they ignored ‘us,’ and just didn’t care,” Man — frustrated with the repeal process — explained to investigators. Man subsequently penned a letter to the Chairman seeking forgiveness for sending the unhinged emails.

“I’m sorry I made a threat against your kids. That was crossing the line. I hope you’ll change your mind … but I doubt it,” he wrote. – READ MORE

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