Libs Melt Down Over Video of Immigrant Kids in Court, Turns Out Kids Are Actors


A video getting national traction this week by purporting to show the kind of setup illegal immigrant children face in special immigration courts received a major boost on Tuesday when actress Alyssa Milano published it to her Twitter following of almost 3.5 million.

And she didn’t hold back on the hyperventilating about how utterly horrible it all was.

“Oh my f***ing, God. Oh my f***ing, God. Oh my f***ing, God,” Milano wrote with needless redundancy. “Stop what you’re doing and watch this. If you’re ok with this unfollow me because you have no heart.” (Note: the link to the picture below does not redact the cursing.)

It may be true that the dialogue in the 4-minute melodrama is based on actual transcripts of children’s immigration court – we have only moviemaker Linda Freeman’s word for it.

But since there are no recording devices allowed into these hearings, according to KGW in Portland, it’s undeniably true that literally everything else about the visuals is conjured up — from the Olympian judge staring sternly from the bench to the heart-rending childish tics some the actors portraying the illegal immigrant children evince. – READ MORE

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