One of the worst things that can happen to you on the internet is to be doxed and hounded by people who use your personal information to harass you. It happened to libertarian journalist Ashley Rae Goldenberg in 2014, and her harassers continue to brag about what they did. Their actions led to a torrent of rape and death threats against her and members of her family.
Goldenberg, whose private details — including her credit card details, phone number and personal address — became a target for harassment from the social justice mob on Tumblr when she started a blog called Communism Kills in 2011. She tells The Daily Caller that she first started the site after learning about the communists on Tumblr.
“I actually started only intending to write simple lessons about economics (my major in college), but because of the nature of Tumblr, I started getting more involved in combatting the prevailing social justice dogma there,” she says, adding that she was a target of social justice warriors even when she was writing about economics.
“They would see something about price controls, or the minimum wage, and cry ‘RACISM’ or ‘SEXISM.’ It obviously snowballed from there when I started posting about things like the gender wage gap being a myth,” says Goldenberg. “By about a year in, I would say every single thing I posted, for whatever reason, even if it was a selfie, was attacked by social justice warriors.” – READ MORE
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