Leftists Hated Nooses During Obama Years, Now They’re Making Them for Trump (VIDEO)


Ah, “liberal tolerance.” It’s becoming a bit of a running joke: The left claims to stand for diversity and acceptance, yet turns downright nasty any time they aren’t getting their way.

The latest in a long string of not-so-tolerant examples is a series of T-shirts and a corresponding social media campaign called “Hanging with Trump.”

What’s so intolerant about a shirt? Well, this one features a graphic of the president of the United States hanging from a noose around his neck.

“You will actually look great and feel great hanging with Trump!” declares the crowd-funded campaign for the T-shirts. Over at the group’s Instagram page, close to a thousand people have liked the profile, which showcases men and women proudly posing with the noose shirt.  – READ MORE


While Facebook and Instagram continue to censor conservatives, a new t-shirt line called “hanging with Trump,” which depicts the president hanging from a noose made out of a red tie, managed to somehow sneak past Instagram’s “Community Guidelines.”

The group’s Instagram page reads: “Political Statement + Satire = Protected by Free Speech. We Donate For Every Shirt to support our women, children and elderly. Get Yours @Indiegogo”

The page shows several models wearing shirts with the image:


At the time of this writing, the comment section showed someone who had “anonymously reported hangingwithtrump’s post for violence or threats of violence.”

“Thank you for taking the time to report hangingwithtrump’s photo. While we reviewed the post you reported for violence or threat of violence and found it does not violate our Community Guidelines, reports like yours are an important part of making Instagram a safe and welcoming place for everyone.” – READ MORE

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