L.A. Times, S.F. Chronicle: Kamala Harris ‘Failed Miserably’ at Brett Kavanaugh Hearing


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-ca) Is Receiving Dismal Reviews From The Usually-friendly Liberal California Media For Her Performance Thursday At The Senate Judiciary Committee During The Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings For Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Harris questioned Kavanaugh about whether he had ever had a conversation with someone at a law firm founded by President Donald Trump’s former lawyer about the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Kavanaugh seemed not to know what she was talking about, and Harris hinted that she may have had evidence to back up her line of questioning. But in the end, the former California Attorney General came up with absolutely nothing.


The Los Angeles Times‘ Michael McGough agreed, arguing that Harris had “failed miserably” in questioning Kavanaugh (original link in text):

In full prosecutorial mode, Harris asked Kavanaugh:  “Have you discussed [Robert S.] Mueller or his investigation with anyone at Kasowitz Benson Torres, the law firm founded by Marc Kasowitz, President Trump’s personal lawyer?” She added the portentous warning: “Be sure about your answer, sir.”

Like most people watching, I assumed Harris was about to confront Kavanaugh with evidence that there had been such a potentially problematic conversation, and name the lawyer with whom Kavanaugh supposedly communicated.

But there was no big reveal.READ MORE


On Wednesday, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) attempted to grab the 2020 Democratic presidential limelight by launching into an attack on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s latest pick for the Supreme Court. She essentially accused Kavanaugh of stonewalling on whether he had spoken with President Trump’s law firm about the Robert Mueller investigation. Kavanaugh correctly said he didn’t know what she was talking about, and also said he didn’t know every lawyer at Kasowitz Benson Torres – a law firm with nearly 300 attorneys. That didn’t stop Harris, who grandstanded for nearly 10 minutes, to the wild applause of the media. The video has been viewed tens of millions of times on Twitter.

There’s only one problem: Harris had no evidence whatsoever that Kavanaugh had spoken with anyone at Kasowitz. And, in fact, Kasowitz stated today that Kavanaugh had not spoken with anyone at his law firm about Mueller. – READ MORE


In a statement given to CNBC, attorney Marc Kasowitz, who has represented Donald Trump, crunched the attack on Wednesday from Sen. Kamala Harris on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, dismissing claims that Kavanaugh had spoken to members of Kasowitz’s firm about the Mueller investigation.

A spokesman for Kasowitz informed CNBC regarding the firm, Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP, “There have been no discussions regarding Robert Mueller’s investigation between Judge Kavanaugh and anyone at our firm.”

After Harris had badgered Kavanaugh on Wednesday as to whether he had spoken to someone at Kasowitz’s firm about the issue, Wednesday night, while wanting to remain anonymous, aides to Harris had told CNBC they had “reason to believe that a conversation happened and are continuing to pursue it.” On Thursday morning, at the hearing for his nomination to the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh said, “I don’t recall any conversations of that kind with anyone at that law firm.” – READ MORE

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