
Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison called his ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan a “bitch” over a fight about money, he admitted to an attorney his own party hired to investigate domestic abuse allegations against him.

“Mr. Ellison recalled only one time in 2013 where he called Ms. Monahan a ‘bitch’ following an argument over purchasing something that he thought was too expensive,” Minnesota attorney Susan Ellingstad wrote in a draft report.

While Ellison told Ellingstad that he only called Monahan a “bitch” the one time, Monahan said the congressman called her the derogatory term on multiple occasions.

One of those times, Monahan claimed, was while Ellison was dragging her from a bed and yelling expletives at her. Ellingstad’s investigation focused on that single specific incident, which it concluded was unsubstantiated. – READ MORE


Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison said Wednesday he is considering resigning from the DNC in order to concentrate fully on his run for Minnesota attorney general.

Ellison announced in June he would forgo running for a seventh term in Congress to seek the attorney general position. Last year, Ellison was pushed by the party’s far-left flank for the DNC chairmanship but was defeated by Tom Perez, the preferred pick of former President Barack Obama.

“You know, I’ve been evaluating that recently, so we’ll see,” Ellison told WCCO radio of stepping down from the DNC. “I need to put 100 percent of my time, energy and resources into the race and my office, so it is something I am considering.” READ MORE:

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