Kamala Harris will vote to shut down the government again over Dreamers


Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said Monday she would vote this against a bill to keep the government open past Thursday unless language is added to help “Dreamers.”

“I’m going to have a problem with it,” she said on MSNBC when asked whether she would accept a short-term spending bill this week while immigration talks continue. “We have to protect these kids.”

Congress is expected to vote early this week on a bill to keep the government open after Feb. 8. Democrats insisted last month that if no broad immigration deal were reached by that date, they would need a separate vote on a legislative fix to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

But even if Senate Republicans allow that vote, a simple fix to DACA is unlikely to go anywhere, since Republicans are also hoping to attach tough border enforcement language to that bill. The lack of agreement on the right mix of DACA language and border language is what has prevented any agreement from coming together. – READ MORE

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Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) admitted to CNN on Monday that it was a “mistake” to try to attach a fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program onto the funding legislation for the government, which ultimately led to a three-day shutdown.

Congress is once again facing the possibility of the government shutting down, as the continuing resolution that was passed in January is set to expire at the end of the week.

When asked if he was willing to support another continuing resolution, as opposed to allowing the government to shut down again, Connolly said he would vote to keep the government open. – READ MORE

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Senior Senate Democrat Dick Durbin (IL) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that legislators are unlikely to reach a deal on the Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) before the president’s March deadline, but that Democrats will not force a second government shutdown over the impasse.

“There is not likely to be a DACA deal, though we’re working every single day on telephone calls and person-to-person to try to reach this bipartisan agreement,” Durbin told host Jake Tapper. “I don’t see a government shutdown coming.”

This leaves Democrats with few options — and no leverage — going into the final weeks of negotiations over an immigration deal that they were, by all accounts, poised to ink with the president. But earlier in January, the deal broke down, reportedly over an included stipulation that would have given indefinite amnesty to parents of DACA recipients even though those parents knowingly violated U.S. immigration law. – READ MORE

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President Donald Trump unleashed an attack on Democrats for failing to pass amnesty for DACA recipients, as he prepared a speech for the House and Senate Republican Member Conference on Thursday.

“March 5th is rapidly approaching and the Democrats are doing nothing about DACA,” he wrote. “They Resist, Blame, Complain and Obstruct – and do nothing. Start pushing Nancy Pelosi and the Dems to work out a DACA fix, NOW!” – READ MORE

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President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that the GOP could postpone his immigration-and-amnesty push, and instead pass a no-compromise immigration rewrite in 2019.

“We have to get help from either side [to pass a bill in 2018] — or we have to elect many more Republicans,” Trump told GOP legislators gathered at the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia.

Electing more Republicans “is another way of doing it,” he said, prompting cheers. He continued:

Really, that is another way of doing it. And based on the [election related] numbers we just saw, we have a real chance of doing that …  [Immigration] is now an election issue that will go to our benefit, not their benefit.

Trump said his four-part immigration and amnesty plan “includes reforms that are overwhelmingly popular with the voters, including Democrats … Americans want an immigration system that works for everybody.” READ MORE

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