JUDGE ELLIS Interrupts Mueller Prosecutors During Opening Statement in Manafort Case: “It Isn’t a Crime to Have Money”


Judge T.S. Ellis, a Reagan appointee, became very irritated with Mueller’s prosecutors Wednesday as they droned on an on over Manafort’s lavish lifestyle and his expensive suits.

Mueller’s thugs used the same tactic, shaming Manafort for owning a $15,000 coat made of Ostrich in Tuesday’s opening statement which drew a rebuke from Judge Ellis.

“It isn’t a crime to have money and be profligate with your spending,” Judge Ellis said to Mueller’s hack lawyer, Asonye.

On Wednesday Mueller’s lawyers took a beating from Judge Ellis after they went into detail about Manafort’s spending habits, whining about his expensive suits and how he paid for them via wire transfer–as if that’s somehow illegal.

At one point, Judge Ellis became so irritated with Mueller’s thugs fixating on Manafort’s spending habits, he interrupted the prosecutor and sternly said, “Let’s move on. Enough is enough. They can add.” – READ MORE



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