Joy Behar on CPAC: Conservatives Have a ‘Penchant for Nazis Now’ (VIDEO)


The liberal hosts of ABC’s The View opened Monday by opining how awful the modern conservative movement was, on their February 26 show. The hosts bashed this year’s CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) guests as “extremists” who were once considered part of the “fringe” but were now the majority of the Republican party.

Not lying low after getting blasted for her anti-Christian rhetoric two weeks ago, co-host Joy Behar went a step further claiming that this was just the latest example of how conservatives had embraced “nazis” and “fascists.”

The show opened with ABC playing a clip of CPAC guest Mona Charen calling out the Republican Party’s hypocrisy of standing for women but embracing “sexual harassers and abusers of women who are in our party who are sitting in the White House,” referring to President Trump and Senate candidate Roy Moore.READ MORE

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