Joe Manchin Slams Nancy Pelosi for ‘Make America White Again’


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), appearing on CNN Sunday morning, slammed House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for calling President Donald Trump’s new immigration proposal a plan to “make America white again” on Friday.

“You know what? We don’t need that type of rhetoric on either side,” Manchin told CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union. Asked whether that meant he “condemned” Pelosi’s remark, Manchin replied that his criticism would apply to both sides: “I’m condemning all this crazy rhetoric that goes on. Just because someone’s a Republican — it’s not my enemy. And we have to work together.”

Manchin was cautiously open to Trump’s plan, hinting that he wanted to see more illegal aliens eligible for a “path to citizenship.” – READ MORE

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Friday during her speech at the United States Conference of Mayors, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the White House’s  immigration proposal was a  “campaign to make America white again.”

Pelosi said, “Since I’m on the subject of DREAMers since last night the president put forth a plan. Let me just say what I said last night, that plan is a campaign to make America white again. it is a plan that says over 50 percent of the current legal immigration will be cut back.” – READ MORE

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