Jeff Sessions Hammers Elizabeth Warren After Her ‘Slander of Every Law Officer in America’


Warren made the remarks earlier in the week at a historically black college in New Orleans, telling the audience that the system is “racist … front-to-back,” according to The Associated Press.

In a speech in Macon, Georgia, on Thursday, the nation’s top law enforcement official struck back at Warren’s remarks.

“Earlier this week, a U.S. senator called our justice system ‘racist…And when I say our system, I mean all the way. I mean front to back…on the front end—what you declare to be illegal—(and) on how you enforce it, on who gets arrested.’

“This is a slander of every law officer and every prosecutor in America,” Sessions continued. “And, frankly, I think it is an insult to their families and to the crime victims they have helped to face their attacker.

“And so this slur isn’t just wrong. It’s sad.” – READ MORE



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