James Woods Goes Off, Destroys Obama Legacy with Incredible Meme


Estimates place the cost of President Donald Trump’s border wall in the ballpark of $20-$30 billion. That’ll probably get inflated — as government projects inexorably do — but the point is that it’ll probably clock in at somewhere in that general vicinity.

That sounds like a lot, but in the milieu of modern American government, where foreign aid for a single year can approach the lower reaches of that budget, it’s actually quite modest.

So why is it so hard to get funding for it?

Now, it’s worth pointing out here that the $150 billion that Woods is talking about is actually Iranian assets frozen by sanctions that were unfrozen by the Obama administration in the Iran deal.

Under current U.S. law, there’s no particular way to expropriate those frozen funds except in wartime. That said, they didn’t necessarily need to be given back to the Iranians. – READ MORE


The 2Q GDP was over 4 percent, but according to the New York Times, that seems a bit high:Why

Friday’s G.D.P. Number May Be a Size Too Big 

James Woods does the pointing and laughing for us:

Hey, the Times would have reported it the same way if Obama were still president, right? *Eye roll* – READ MORE


President Trump’s all caps tweeted warning to Iran last night had Resistance media types as well as some from the Hollywood left flagging the tweet for violent rhetoric. The “Justice Democrats” have also alerted Twitter as well:

In: Hey Twitter, do something! – READ MORE

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