Insufferable Trudeau Corrects Woman: Not ‘Mankind, ‘Peoplekind’ (VIDEO)


In one more display of how Canada has run amok in its attempts to trash differences between men and women while it fights the supposed evils of patriarchy, last Friday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a patently ridiculous reply when speaking at a public town hall to a woman who used the word “mankind,” responding, “We like to say people-kind, not necessarily mankind.”

The woman continued, “We have received many awards throughout the whole world. However, unfortunately in Canada, our volunteering as a charitable religious organization is extremely difficult. Extremely. That’s why in actuality, we cannot do free volunteering to help our neighbors in need as we truly desire. So that’s why we came here today, to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislation so that it can also be changed because maternal love is the love that is going to change the future of mankind. So we’d like you to —“

Trudeau interrupted. “We like to say people-kind, not necessarily mankind, more inclusive.” – READ MORE

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On Wednesday, the Canadian Senate passed bill C-210, which aims to change the lyrics in “O Canada,” the Canadian national anthem, to make it gender-neutral. The bill had first been introduced in the Senate in June 2016.

The bill was introduced as a private member’s bill by member of Parliament Mauril Belanger; he is no longer a member of the Canadian Parliament as he died in 2016 after fighting Lou Gehrig’s disease.

The bill stipulates that the lyric, “True patriot love in all thy sons command” be altered to “True patriot love in all of us command.” – READ MORE

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