‘I Don’t Apologize for It’: Pence Is ‘Proud’ to Stand for Life Amid Recent Bills Limiting Abortion


Amid recent controversial pro-life state bills, the vice president is reiterating his stance on the hot topic, defending his pro-life views as he said he “couldn’t be more proud.”

“I’m pro-life. I don’t apologize for it,” Vice President Mike Pence said on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings With Maria” aired Friday. “I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of a pro-life administration.”

The topic of abortion isn’t a fresh discussion, but in recent weeks, several states have passed abortion banning laws, continuing the argument of pro-life vs. pro-choice across the U.S.

Some of these cases include the state of Georgia passing legislation to ban abortions after the babies’ heartbeat can be detected, Alabama’s governor signingthe strictest anti-abortion bill to ban nearly all abortions, Lousiana’s governor becoming the first Democrat this year to sign the heartbeat ban, and Missouri becoming the ninth state this year to pass an anti-abortion bill. – READ MORE

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