Husband tells story of wife who visited him in dream as he was debating whether to pull her off life support after Vegas shooting


PHOENIX, Ariz. — The night of October first, Jovanna Calzadillas’s family, her husband, and parents were told to expect the worst.

At one point in the hospital in Las Vegas, her husband and mother discussed the possibility of taking her off life support.

But now months later 30-year-old Jovanna Calzadillas is ready to come home.

After nearly four months in hospitals, Jovanna still needs help with most aspects of life, but not with cracking jokes.

“I feel strong and positive, plus I get to boss my husband around.”

Joanna and her husband Frank were at the concert to celebrate his safe return from a deployment to the Middle East.

She was one of the first patients to arrive at the emergency room in Las Vegas — a bullet hit her in the head and lodged in her spinal cord.

Doctors asked Frank about donating her organs.

“I had a dream that Jovanna visited me and she hugged me and kissed me and told me everything was gonna be ok, and she walked away, and I called her mom and said we’re keeping Jovanna alive, she’s gonna be alright.” Watch the video above to hear Frank describe the miracle in his own words. – READ MORE

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An ISIS-supporting media group threatened another Vegas-style massacre in a new propaganda image, yet zeroed in on a Strip hotel other than the Mandalay Bay.

“The disbeliever west will see our power through the jihad of sincere people and the sacrifice of monotheists. We will be generous in shedding your dirty blood unless you embrace Islam or give the jizyah,” states the message, referencing a tax paid by non-Muslims. “However, Las Vegas’ massacre is not far from you.”

The poster distributed online includes a shadowy backdrop of masked jihadists carrying an ISIS flag, hovering over a photo from the Vegas strip. The words “Las Vegas,” crosshairs and flames are positioned over the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.

The threat was distributed by the Wafa’ Media Foundation, which released numerous threats during the holiday season.READ MORE

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Authorities have yet to uncover a motive in the Las Vegas massacre nearly four months after gunman Stephen Paddock loosed a barrage of bullets on those attending an October country music festival on the Las Vegas strip.

Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo also told reporters Friday they believe Paddock acted alone when he opened fire from his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay casino-hotel, killing 58 people and injuring more than 700 others.

Amid their investigation, detectives also uncovered “several hundred images of child pornography” on his computer’s hard drive. They’re still looking into the source of the illicit photos, according to an 81-page preliminary police report released Friday.

His brother, Bruce, was previously arrested in Los Angeles for possession of child pornography as part of a separate investigation, which began months before the deadly attack. – READ MORE

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