House resolution tells Robert Mueller: Show evidence of Trump-Russia collusion or end the investigation


A House Republican introduced a resolution Thursday encouraging special counsel Robert Mueller to end his year-long investigation unless he can prove he’s made progress examining the possible links between Russia and the Trump administration.

“The Mueller investigation has dragged on for nearly a year at a cost of tens of millions of dollars without producing a shred of evidence of collusion — the matter it was tasked with investigating in the first place. I expect a valid progress report within the next 30 days or the investigation should be terminated,” Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., said in a statement.

Rokita, a former state secretary, added that even federal officials must be held accountable for their actions, though Mueller has not been alleged of any wrongdoing related to the probe.

“No one in government should be without accountability, and for many Americans, this investigation looks more like an attempt by the Washington elite to destroy President Trump with innuendo, leaks, and baseless allegations than to provide justice,” he said. – READ MORE

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