Hillary Clinton Predicts Women Will ‘Bear the Brunt’ of ‘Climate Change’


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton predicted Monday during a human rights event at Georgetown University that climate change will force women to “bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to …”

Such migration won’t be led by men, she maintained, but rather by women “when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock or your crops are no longer growing.”

The failed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate spoke during the annual Hillary Rodham Clinton awards ceremony hosted by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security in Washington, D.C.

When asked her advice for men who want to know the role they “can and should” play “in the advancement of women in issues of peace and security,” Clinton said, “There are so many ways to participate and to support this unfinished business getting finally finished.”

She added, “I mean, do not discount the importance of personal support and interest, encouragement, action — I think also, politically voting for people who care about these issues and taking a hard look at your own really personal views.” – READ MORE

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The New York Times reports that some would-be parents are actively avoiding having children because they believe an “exploding” human population is contributing to climate change — and they want no part of it.

Some might call it self-selection, or say it proves Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest” but in a dozen interviews with nervous environmentalists, the NYT found that women are going on birth control and men are practicing celibacy just so that they don’t have to live with the guilt that they brought about environmental ruin.

According to the NYT, the couples have varying approaches to their childlessness, but all believe that it’s best humanity end its run, so as to prevent rising tides and melting poles — and the NYT nods approvingly, arguing that “having a child is one of the costliest actions” people can take, environmentally speaking.

One woman, who is on birth control in order to speed the slow self-destruction of the human species told the NYT, quite simply, that children are “not congruent to a stable society,” and that she fears any kids she might have would be doomed to wander the deserts of a Mad Max-style dystopia, where children fight in Thunderdomes for cans of food. – READ MORE

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Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post calling for more programs to “stabilize” world population to fight global warming.

Podesta argues “family planning” — code for access to abortion and contraceptives — would “do a world of good for the planet, which is bearing an environmental burden because of population growth.”

“Population projection experts estimate a worst-case scenario in which we grow by 70 percent and reach a population of 13 billion people by the end of the century,” Podesta wrote in an op-ed co-authored with former Colorado Democratic Sen. Tim Wirth.

“But if we continue to invest in sensible international family-planning programs and accept the challenge of meeting the needs of women and families, we could potentially stabilize the population at below 10 billion,” wrote Podesta and Wirth. – READ MORE

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