Haiti protests leave US church youth groups stranded in Caribbean nation as violence, roadblocks continue


As the violent protests in Haiti over fuel prices continued, youth groups from multiple U.S. churches have remained in the Caribbean nation, unable to get to the airport to travel home.

The nonprofit My Life Speaks said the mission teams from Woodland Community Church in Bradenton, Fla., and the Glade Church in Mount Juliet, Tenn., have stayed in Haiti, unable to get to the airport due to protests and roadblocks.

Major protests erupted in Haiti on Friday as the government announced a sharp increase in gasoline prices. But the hike was suspended Saturday after violence broke out in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and the northern city of Cap-Haitien.

At least three people were killed in the protests, including two protesters who were fatally shot as demonstrators clashed with police, The Associated Press reported. It was unclear who shot the two men. – READ MORE


The U.S. embassy in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince told American citizens to remain inside until further notice Sunday as the city continues to be gripped by violent protests.

“Do not travel to the airport unless you confirmed your flight is departing,” the State Department cautioned. “Flights are canceled today [Sunday] and the airport has limited food and water available.

“Telecommunication services, including internet and phone lines, have been affected throughout Haiti. It may be difficult to reach people through normal communication methods.”

The State Department also expressed its “deepest condolences” to all those affected by the ongoing violence.

“We are closely monitoring the situation and remain in close contact with Haitian authorities to verify the welfare and whereabouts of U.S. citizens in the area,” added the travel advisory.

At least three people have been killed, including two protesters who were fatally shot by authorities and a security guard who was beaten to death by demonstrators after attempting to disperse a crowd by firing his gun into the air. – READ MORE

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