Obama Aide Dan Pfeiffer Admits Donald Trump Won’t Be Impeached


Dan Pfeiffer, A Former Top Aide To President Barack Obama, Told The Daily Beast In An Interview Released Thursday That He Doesn’t Believe Congress Will Impeach President Donald Trump.

Reminiscing on the impeachment proceedings of President Richard Nixon, Pfeiffer said contemporary Congressional Republicans are too loyal to support removing President Trump. “Nixon went down because a number of Republican senators told him that they were going to convict him on the impeachment,” the Obama White House aide told the Daily Beast. “There is no world in which that happens with today’s Republican party. They will not do that. The only way Trump will leave office is voters sending him home.”

Pfeiffer’s comments come after Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) dismissed calls from within the Democratic Party to impeach Trump, describing the idea as both “silly,” and “not appropriate,” in a recent interview with HBO’s Vice News Tonight. “I just think it’s silly talk. I mean, I think it’s not appropriate, at all. I don’t think the investigation that’s been done on Russia—the information isn’t back yet. And, it’s way, way, way, way, way premature,” Tester said when asked for his thoughts on his congressional colleagues plotting to remove President Trump. – READ MORE


During a speech Saturday at an immigration rally in California, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters reacted defiantly to alleged threats reportedly directed at her following her previous remarks about the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy.

Waters took the podium at the Families Belong Together rally in downtown Los Angeles, one of the many rallies staged across the country urging for the reunification of families who were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border.

She told the crowd that she has “no fear” and is “in this fight” after saying some congressional lawmakers felt “intimidated.”

“And I know that there are those who are talking about censuring me, talking about kicking me out of Congress, talking about shooting me, talking about hanging me,” she told the disapproving crowd. “All I have to say is this: If you shoot me, you better shoot straight. There’s nothing like a wounded animal.”

Waters went on to say that she was willing “to make whatever sacrifices” were necessary, adding: “I am not about to let this country go by the way of Donald Trump.”

“We are sick and tired of him. He’s been there too long,” she said. “They dare me to say ‘Impeach him.’ Today I say, ‘Impeach 45.’”- READ MORE

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