Gallup Poll: 42 Million More Latin Americans Want to Come to U.S.


Gallup surveyed 33 nations in Latin America and the Caribbean and found that a whopping 27 percent of 450 million people wanted to leave home. Further, of those who wanted to leave their homes permanently, 35 percent, or 42 million people, wanted to emigrate to the U.S.

Chairman’s Blog:

Seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make their move.

In addition to finding a solution for the thousands of migrants currently at the border, let’s include the bigger, harder question — what about all of those who would like to come? What is the message to them?

What is the 10-year plan?

330 million U.S. citizens are wondering. So are 42 million Latin Americans.

This is an instance where our hearts are getting in the way of our heads. We like to think of America as a welcoming oasis for the poor and downtrodden of the world. Otherwise, what’s the Statue of Liberty for?

But the reality is far less romantic. Billions of people around the world could be considered “poor and downtrodden” as well as oppressed, persecuted, and hunted. They live in hovels in some countries, corrugated tin houses in others. Many don’t even have homes. Or enough to eat. Or clean water to drink.- READ MORE

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