Flashback–‘Obama’s War on Whistleblowers’: More Prosecuted as Spies than Ever Before


The Obama administration waged war on whistleblowers during its tenure, reportedly prosecuting at least eight leakers under the Espionage Act – more than under all former presidents combined.

Members of the Obama administration also reportedly retaliated against whistleblowers, namely those linked to the federal government’s gun-walking scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious.

Until Obama took power, the government had almost entirely reserved the Espionage Act for spies.

Referring to the former president on January 13, 2017, the Washington Times noted, “When he entered office in 2009 and waged a war against this community.”

Meanwhile, other apparent leaks, made by individuals described by the Guardian as “administration insiders” in March 2015, went “entirely unpunished or” were “treated, as in the case of General David Petraeus, as misdemeanors.”

As of late June, President Donald Trump’s administration had indicted three potential whistleblowers under the Espionage Act. – READ MORE

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