‘FLAKE NEWS’: Senator Says He’s Not Thwarting Supreme Court Nomination


Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is currently in Zimbabwe, and says he’s not taking this overseas trip as a way to keep Judge Brett Kavanaugh from receiving confirmation to the Supreme Court.

In a text to Politico’s Kyle Cheney, Flake said he would be back after the Senate’s shortened August recess, which ends the week of the 13th.

“I’m seeing on social media that I’m here to somehow thwart Kavanaugh’s confirmation. That’s Flake News. I chair the Africa subcommittee. I came to Zimbabwe as an election observer,” he told the outlet on Wednesday.- READ MORE


Washington, Dc – Democrat Senators Are Resorting To Extreme Rhetoric In Their Increasingly Desperate Attempts To Derail The Brett Kavanaugh Nomination, Saying His Confirmation Will Lead To “tyranny,” Cause “the Destruction Of The Constitution,” And That Any Colleagues Who Vote For Him Are “complicit In Evil.”

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is by all accounts a mainstream conservative Republican who has served with distinction on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He is the sort of Supreme Court pick you would expect from any Republican president. But you would not know that from how Democratic senators speak of him.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation process is moving steadily forward. While rhetoric from leftwing activists often seems overwrought, it is uncommon to see it coming from those who hold high office. The statements coming out of the Senate seem to indicate mounting desperation to stop what increasingly appears to be an unstoppable Supreme Court nomination.

“We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death,” said Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), in a press conference on July 24. “You are either complicit in the evil, you are either contributing to the wrong, or you are fighting against it.”

Other liberal senators’ comments were equally intemperate.

“Judge Kavanaugh is your worst nightmare,” promised Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in a July 10 press conference.

“This is a nominee who wants to pave the path to tyranny,” prophesized the normally soft-spoken Sen. Jeff Merkley at a July 9 rally at the Supreme Court, rivaling Booker’s moralizing on being complicit with evil. – READ MORE

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