FBI Flunky Rangappa Emerges as Chief Justifier of Spying on Trump Campaign


As evidence continues to mount that Obama administration officials spied on President Trump’s presidential campaign and transition, mainstream media has begun looking for ways to obscure or knock down the charges.

Asha Rangappa has become a weapon in that battle.

Rangappa, who was an FBI special agent from 2002 to 2005 and has since become a correspondent for CNN and an explainer of the world of counterintelligence.

Last week, Rangappa wrote a piece for the Washington Post headlined, “The FBI didn’t use an informant to go after Trump. They used one to protect him.” 

Trump is outraged over reports the FBI monitored his 2016 campaign. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has subpoenaed information on the informant and what precipitated the investigation.

“But Trump and his backers are wrong about what it means that the FBI reportedly was using a confidential source to gather information early in its investigation of possible campaign ties to Russia,” Rangappa wrote.

“The investigation started out as a counterintelligence probe, not a criminal one. And relying on a covert source rather than a more intrusive method of gathering information suggests that the FBI may have been acting cautiously – perhaps too cautiously – to protect the campaign, not undermine it.” – READ MORE

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